School Readiness
EYFS defines School Readiness as 'the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.' (Statutory Framework for the EYFS 2014.)
What is School Readiness in EYFS? School Readiness for EYFS children is defined in terms of the aspects of the school environment that support a smooth transition for children (and their families) into primary school and advance learning for all children. It is the idea that parents and carers should support a child's growth and development in order to prepare them to start school in Nursery or FS1 (Foundation Stage 1).
All children, whatever age they are, are ready to learn. Even from birth, children have loads of fully functional cognitive processes. Within the initial four to five years of being alive, children mature really fast. The characteristics of school readiness involve standards of intellectual, physical, and social development which allows children to meet requirements and cope with the school curriculum. Where a child's brain is specially programmed to prepare them for learning from an early age, it can actually be more about what a child is ready to learn, rather than whether they are ready to learn altogether. Due to this, practitioners often make sure to put together new activities with which children can hold meaningful connections.
How can I help my child with School Readiness in EYFS? To help a child become school ready in EYFS as a practitioner, you should communicate and share information about the child with their parents and carers. It is also important to provide challenging and meaningful learning opportunities for each child, whilst giving them confidence in becoming a learner. You should also demonstrate high expectations of children and raise aspirations in order to challenge their developmental growth. Talking with your child about school and what it will be like would be very beneficial in helping them to prepare for school. Visiting the school and reflecting on what it was like may also be useful for those children who may have anxieties about going to a new place.
Reading books about starting school and listening to children's expectations about school could also help them to prepare for making a big change to their routine.
School Ready Skills Between April-July we will be focusing on school readiness support for both our children an families through in house activities and home learning too.
If your child is sent home with activities, please do follow guidance from your child's key worker and complete and return your home learning bag to preschool.
We will be completing school readiness checklists with you as parents, to form a baseline and identify all important gaps and targets before the transition to school.
Below are some fantastic information sites for you to read through/access resources at home too, and essential top tips for parents/families in this all important stage.