Sending your child into preschool with a packed lunch is a great way to ensure they’re eating a balanced and healthy diet that will keep their energy levels up and ready for learning.
You can plan your child’s lunch (or encourage them to help plan their own) using some of the guidance below.
Ready, Steady, Go!
Foods that contain carbohydrates are great for giving us long-lasting energy, meaning your child will have plenty of go power throughout the day. You should try to get two portioned sources of carbohydrates in your child’s lunch, such as;
- bread -rice cakes
- pitta - pasta
- scone or English muffin -rice
- plain biscuits
- wraps
Tall and Strong!
Foods containing calcium (like dairy products) can help to boost your child’s bone growth, while protein-rich foods can help with muscle strength - that’s why these foods are in the ‘Tall and Strong’ group! You should aim for one portion of these foods, which could include:
- yoghurt pots or tubes - chicken
- cheese slices, cubes or sticks - ham
- fish (e.g. tuna) - salami
- eggs (boiled or in a sandwich)
Healthy Glow.
Fruits and vegetables are fantastic sources of vitamins and minerals that keep your body healthy. They’re also a good source of fibre, too. You should try to get two sources of these foods, including:
- fruits like apples, strawberries or oranges
- canned fruits like pineapple or peach slices in juice
-cut vegetables like cucumber, bell peppers and carrot
There are some foods that aren’t appropriate for school lunches, including excessive snacks or fast foods high in sugar and salt content. We are also NUT FREE so precautions should be taken when considering nut products. The following foods can be enjoyed in moderation at home and should be avoided at school: - takeaway (leftovers such as pizza)
- sugary biscuits - chocolate
- sweets - nuts
- fizzy drinks - foods/snacks high in sugar and salt e.g. crisps, donuts etc.
If you are unsure at all on what to bring to pre-school or need some inspiration or guidance, please speak to one of our team.